When Ainsley Greig joined the Impellam group as a temp in 2005, she had no idea that it’d become such a permanent home. This year marks 16 years with the business for Ainsley who now enjoys a much more central, widespread role. We were keen to learn more about her incredible professional journey.
Ainsley explained to us how she entered the business through Blue Arrow. “I’d just moved back to Glasgow after being at university. I went into Blue Arrow looking for some temporary work and they had another office that was looking for an administrator. I interviewed with them for a six-month job covering maternity…and here I am 16 years later still with the business!”
Today, Ainsley works for Carbon60 as a Business Project Manager, implementing IT systems, new legislations, and processes into the business.
“I’m not IT based” she told us, “But a lot of my projects do touch into that systems piece because I look at implementing new ways of working with new technology or existing technology for new clients. I work on internal projects where we’re only dealing with how Carbon60 works or how Impellam works in line with Carbon60, but I also manage projects with clients where we’re implementing or renewing MSPs or other services.”
Ainsley went on to tell us about how she got into her role in quite an ad hoc way. After being in her admin role for some time, she’d built up a great deal of knowledge about how the company’s systems and processes worked. She was asked to be involved in an extensive project to form Carbon60 from some of Impellam’s existing businesses and it was here that Ainsley’s potential was recognised.
“I actually interviewed for a different role - an Administration & Compliance Manager in London. Off the back of that Carbon60 thought I wasn’t suited to that role but suggested I might be good as a Project Manager”, Ainsley told us.
And the rest is history! Ainsley’s specific interest, attitude and what she could do for the business had been recognised and a new role was created especially for her.
“Carbon60 provided me with lots of support”, said Ainsley. “To move into the role of Project Manager, it was recognised that I’d need some form of project management training or qualification. I was immediately signed up for Prince2 training and undertook the full five-day course to become a Prince2 Practitioner.”
Since then, if Ainsley has had a particular need for training in a product, she’s been able to do this in addition to the regular training that Carbon60 provides around the development of the brand. She added “I’m always involved in those sessions because any products or projects have to align with Carbon60’s directions. But yes, if I need training in something specific, it’s just a case of speaking to Learning and Development and they very quickly arrange it.”
When asked about her greatest achievements with Carbon60, Ainsley explained how she’s been proud to be involved in a number of really successful projects. She highlighted one, though, as a particular achievement: the Tilbury Douglas implementation. For Ainsley, this was her first large client-facing project and a great new experience.
She also explained how she’s delighted with how she’s progressed through the business. “The achievement of getting to where I am now from where I initially started - from doing predominantly data entry, to playing an integral role in making sure we move forward in this exciting new digital age we’re in is really exciting!”
Ainsley ended by telling us about life at Carbon60. “It’s changed a lot over the years, and we’ve certainly grown as a business. It’s diverse and it’s an ever-changing platform so no two days are ever the same and they all pass so quickly”, Ainsley explains. “I’d describe Carbon60 as a ‘community’ more than a ‘family’. We all have that sense of belonging to a brand and there are lots of friendships that extend beyond the traditional working day. I’d definitely say we’re a community of people working towards the same goal.”